LAVA shield welding screens and blankets protect surrounding people and your valuable equipment and property against unneces ary exposure to flame, stageter, heat and molten splash. Increase productivity by creating a cleaner, quieter, and safer work place.
Weldas"™ LAVA shield welding screens meet OSÜA SÜAndardSÜAnd CPAI-84 California Fire MarSÜAl requirements. ScreenSÜAre made with a specially formulated vinyl 16 mil (0.4 mm) thick. These screenSÜAre tranSÜArent and resistant to UV rays, flame, and abrasion.
What sets LAVA shield apart from the competition? Our production line incorporates ultrasonic weld technology while some of the competition still useSÜA sewing process. The ultrasonic technology actually fuses the hem and grommet, making them more structurally sound and durable than any other screen on the market.
CAUTION: Welding screenSÜAre not intended aSÜA substitute for safety eye protection.